User Shield

Discover, Visualize and Control your user Internet access


Did you know that 74% of the data breaches occur from compromised user credentials ? Internet based threats target corporate user identity to breach your apps and data.

The average malicious link click rate in a security awareness training exercise stands at 5%- 25% . Just one malicious link click can compromise user identity leading to ransomware attack.

User Shield to protect user identity theft

Kite Cyber’s security co-pilot User Shield prevents threats from SaaS apps and Internet access.

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User Shield

Why User Shield

Rules and reputation based Secure Web Gateway scanners can be easily bypassed.
Why wait, replace your legacy Secure Web Gateways with Kitecyber User Shield confidently

Here’s why

User Access
User identity threats
  • Phishing, Social Engineering, Drive by
    compromises, Command & Control connections
    High Efficacy
    If reputation is known and no direct internet
    access aka split tunnel
Prevention Technique
    AI based in Real time
    Static URL List
    Reputation based
User Experience
    multiple levels of rediretions
    with decryption and re-encryption
    Zero Touch Provisioning in minutes
    Requires skilled professional services
    with weeks to deploy
    Cost Effective
    Leverage edge compute
    Cloud based solution

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