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Cyber Shield

Threat Insights

SaaS App Governance, Risk Management and Cost Optimization

Modern SaaS apps simplify installs using add-ons on browsers or native apps on Slack, Zoom, Teams. Further the access is simplified with a link or OTP bypassing SSO. Take back control to protect your assets.

User Identity Theft
60% of the data breaches occur from User Identity theft using techniques like phishing, social engineering to name a few. Simulators can show you the click rate but cannot prevent user identity thefts in the real world. Use our AI based real time phishing prevention.
Prevent Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration can happen from outsiders as well as insiders with techniques ranging from encrypted traffic or files, unsanctioned app usage, user identity theft to risky insider activity. Monitor, control and prevent unauthorized data movement that threaten business & compliance exposure.

Meet compliance requirements with comprehensive security
Get a complete inventory of your SaaS app assets, user activity and sensitive data usage. Prevent business exposure by meeting compliance standards to safeguard your customer, partner and employee data.
Insights into User productivity for modern distributed workforce
Discover the use of SaaS and web apps across users. Gain insights on user productivity and activity risks. See problems before they impact your business.
Control and lower unmanaged SaaS costs
Lower SaaS app cost by gaining visibility and eliminating under-utilized and un-utilized apps. Make data driven decisions to grant and revoke access.
Discover and Manage API integrations in Cloud
Get visibility into your service to service connections in the cloud along with external APIs being used by your application. Control external access and stop supply chain attacks, malicious insider and other threats.
Detect and manage supply chain risks
Understand which third party apps, APIs and URLs are being used. Control outbound access to mitigate against supply chain attacks.

Ready to take your security to next level and protect from cyber attacks?

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